Onshore and offshore
Foundation Inspections
When the conditions of a foundation are unknown, an Allnamics Foundation Inspection will help you determine the foundation’s status of your property.
Based on our experience, we can consult on the required actions for keeping the foundation in shape for the coming decennia.
See more here or contact Remco Offenberg at roffenberg@allnamics.com
Reuse and decarbonisation of Foundations
Sustainability simply makes sense for the deep foundations industry.
With sustainability becoming every day more relevant, foundation design has to be viewed differently. Decarbonization is the first option: more efficient design reducing volumes of concrete or steel, using different materials with a lower carbon footprint. This should not be viewed as the only option available: the reuse of existing foundations must be considered and even preferred as the most sustainable option.
The experts of Allnamics can advise you if and how existing foundations can be re-used. Contact Remco Offenberg at roffenberg@allnamics.com

Predictions of pile driving
Pile Driving Predictions are performed to predict the pile, soil, and pile driving hammer (impact of vibratory) behavior during the installation of foundation piles, including the large diameter offshore monopiles. Doing this in advance, during the engineering stage, troubles during installation can be avoided. Is the pile driving hammer heavy enough? Does it deliver enough energy to install the pile to its designed penetration depth? Are the pile stresses during installation acceptable? Or are the stresses in the (mono)pile during installation too high, leading to unacceptable fatigue damage?
By making Pile Driving Predictions using the AllWave software, answers to these questions can be generated by modeling the pile, soil and hammer and simulating the driving process. For sheet pile walls, foundation piles, offshore piles, and wind farm monopiles.
Predictions Vibratory Hammer – VDP
Like the Pile Driving Predictions for impact hammers (PDP), simulations can be made for piles installed using a vibratory hammer. Comparable to the results with PDP, one can study the efficiency of a vibratory hammer, maximum reachable penetration or refusal level, maximum stresses, and the pile material’s fatigue. Using the AllWave-VDP software and a large database of predicted and monitored results leads to reliable prediction results.

Sheet Pile Wall Design
One of our specialisations is the design and calculations of sheet pile walls and retaining wall constructions, both temporary and permanent structures.
Calculations can be made for both final stage design as well as for installation (Vibratory Driving Prediction).
Second opinion and construction disputes
As a specialist in the field of pile testing and geotechnical designs, Allnamics can assist you with the design of all geotechnical structures, as well as being you partner in foundations design.
Led by the experience of many years, the experts of Allnamics are able to consult and assist you in arbitration cases and court processes.

Site design
Site conditions can be easy or severe. At any time, the soil resistance at site should be able to resist the loads. Loads during installing the piles, and at working conditions. Allnamics can help you, based on many years of experience of pile testing, pile design revisions, etc.
Monitoring and prediction of vibrations
Building activities lead to vibrations on the building site and its surroundings. Both construction related traffic
and crane movements as well as foundation installation activities lead to vibrations in the subsurface and nearby buildings.
Neighbours will certainly be sensitive for these types of vibrations. Allnamics has developed a prediction model to predict the level of the vibrations due to pile driving activities. Whether risk of damage or nuisance, it is our expertise to determine if it is allowable or not. Want to know more about vibration monitoring and prediction? Contact Martijn van Delft at mvandelft@allnamics.com

Monitoring vibrations
Allnamics owns several types of sets with sensors and data acquisition units to monitor the vibration levels of structures and buildings. Depending on its application, these measurements can be controlled by staff on the building site or automatic. In automatic mode, when a prescribed level is exceeded, the monitoring system alarms the monitoring engineer, client or piling contractor about the vibration levels, so they can undertake actions to limit these vibrations. Want to know more about vibration monitoring? Contact Martijn van Delft at mvandelft@allnamics.com
Soil-Structure interaction Monitoring
Allnamics has developed smart tools, sensors and equipment for monitoring and recording all kinds of (geotechnical) parameters, like strain, displacements, settlements, etc.

Pile Damage Assessment
Foundations are the base of constructions. There may (or should?) not be any doubts about the quality of the foundation and foundation piles. However, in case of damage during or after installation, Allnamics can support analyzing the problem and propose remedial actions. For instance, in the case of:
- Pile damage during driving; a broken or damaged pile top
- Broken piles during driving, horizontal cracks in the pile
- Early refusal of driven piles
- Broken cast in situ or bored piles
- And more…
Based on measurements during installation, i.e. during driving (PDA or VDA) the wave pattern in the piles is analyzed. As a result, the cause of the damage will be determined, and its solution will be proposed.
Allnamics has made many contributions to international conferences. These publications are available via the Allnamics database. A selection from that: