Onshore and offshore 

Foundation Inspections

When the conditions of a foundation are unknown, an Allnamics Foundation Inspection will help you determine the foundation’s status of your property.
Based on our experience, we can consult on the required actions for keeping the foundation in shape for the coming decennia.

See more here or contact Remco Offenberg at roffenberg@allnamics.com

Reuse  and decarbonisation of Foundations

Sustainability simply makes sense for the deep foundations industry.

With sustainability becoming every day more relevant, foundation design has to be viewed differently. Decarbonization is the first option: more efficient design reducing volumes of concrete or steel, using different materials with a lower carbon footprint. This should not be viewed as the only option available: the reuse of existing foundations must be considered and even preferred as the most sustainable option.

The experts of Allnamics can advise you if and how existing foundations can be re-used. Contact Remco Offenberg at roffenberg@allnamics.com

Funderingsonderzoek naar bestaande funderingen voor oudere en gevoeligere gebouwen. Of bij  uitbreiding of splitsing
PDA Fistuca Rotterdam

Predictions of pile driving

Pile Driving Predictions are performed to predict the pile, soil, and pile driving hammer (impact of vibratory) behavior during the installation of foundation piles, including the large diameter offshore monopiles. Doing this in advance, during the engineering stage, troubles during installation can be avoided. Is the pile driving hammer heavy enough? Does it deliver enough energy to install the pile to its designed penetration depth? Are the pile stresses during installation acceptable? Or are the stresses in the (mono)pile during installation too high, leading to unacceptable fatigue damage?

By making Pile Driving Predictions using the AllWave software, answers to these questions can be generated by modeling the pile, soil and hammer and simulating the driving process. For sheet pile walls, foundation piles, offshore piles, and wind farm monopiles.

Predictions Vibratory Hammer – VDP

Like the Pile Driving Predictions for impact hammers (PDP), simulations can be made for piles installed using a vibratory hammer. Comparable to the results with PDP, one can study the efficiency of a vibratory hammer, maximum reachable penetration or refusal level, maximum stresses, and the pile material’s fatigue. Using the AllWave-VDP software and a large database of predicted and monitored results leads to reliable prediction results.

Intrilpredictie riffgat owf
Sheet Pile Wall

Sheet Pile Wall Design

One of our specialisations is the design and calculations of sheet pile walls and retaining wall constructions, both temporary and permanent structures.

Calculations can be made for both final stage design as well as for installation (Vibratory Driving Prediction).

Second opinion and construction disputes

As a specialist in the field of pile testing and geotechnical designs, Allnamics can assist you with the design of all geotechnical structures, as well as being you partner in foundations design.

Led by the experience of many years, the experts of Allnamics are able to consult and assist you in arbitration cases and court processes.

Plaxis Calculations
Tools for Vibratory Driving: AllWave-VPD Driveability software, VDA Vibro Driving Analysis and VAM, Vibratory Amplitude Matching

Site design

Site conditions can be easy or severe. At any time, the soil resistance at site should be able to resist the loads. Loads during installing the piles, and at working conditions. Allnamics can help you, based on many years of experience of pile testing, pile design revisions, etc.

Monitoring and prediction of vibrations

Building activities lead to vibrations on the building site and its surroundings. Both construction related traffic
and crane movements as well as foundation installation activities lead to vibrations in the subsurface and nearby buildings.
Neighbours will certainly be sensitive for these types of vibrations. Allnamics has developed a prediction model to predict the level of the vibrations due to pile driving activities. Whether risk of damage or nuisance, it is our expertise to determine if it is allowable or not. Want to know more about vibration monitoring and prediction? Contact Martijn van Delft at mvandelft@allnamics.com

VM Test Middenbeemster
VM AxilogII

Monitoring vibrations

Allnamics owns several types of sets with sensors and data acquisition units to monitor the vibration levels of structures and buildings. Depending on its application, these measurements can be controlled by staff on the building site or automatic. In automatic mode, when a prescribed level is exceeded, the monitoring system alarms the monitoring engineer, client or piling contractor about the vibration levels, so they can undertake actions to limit these vibrations. Want to know more about vibration monitoring? Contact Martijn van Delft at mvandelft@allnamics.com

Soil-Structure interaction Monitoring

Allnamics has developed smart tools, sensors and equipment for monitoring and recording all kinds of (geotechnical) parameters, like strain, displacements, settlements, etc.

Crackmonitoring Ellietrack
Funderingsinspectie oude houten paal fundering Amsterdam

Pile Damage Assessment

Foundations are the base of constructions. There may (or should?) not be any doubts about the quality of the foundation and foundation piles. However, in case of damage during or after installation, Allnamics can support analyzing the problem and propose remedial actions. For instance, in the case of:

  • Pile damage during driving; a broken or damaged pile top
  • Broken piles during driving, horizontal cracks in the pile
  • Early refusal of driven piles
  • Broken cast in situ or bored piles
  • And more…

Based on measurements during installation, i.e. during driving (PDA or VDA) the wave pattern in the piles is analyzed. As a result, the cause of the damage will be determined, and its solution will be proposed.


Allnamics has made many contributions to international conferences. These publications are available via the Allnamics database. A selection from that:

Statnamic Load Testing of Foundation Piles

  Author(s):  Middendorp, P, Bermingham P., Kuiper B Year: 1992 Language: English Where: 4th International Conference on Stress Waves, The Hague ISBN 90 54 10 082 6 , P.581-588 , Balkema Rotterdam. INTRODUCTION: An overview of the development and application of a new pile load test method called Statnamic. Its long duration load, compared to […]


JOB OFFER: DRIVEABILITY EXPERT JOB OFFER DRIVEABILITY EXPERT As a geotechnical engineer, you will work on the geotechnical requests of our clients worldwide. You use your geotechnical knowledge and experience to support the clients with their pile installation challenges. They focus on pile, hammer, and soil behaviour and their interaction. What hammer is needed for [...]


JOB OFFER: PILE TESTING ENGINEER JOB OFFER PILE TESTING ENGINEER As a Pile Testing Engineer, your job is mainly outside the office, working on construction sites onshore and offshore. You will perform pile installation monitoring and pile load tests of all kinds. That can be a Static, Rapid, or Dynamic Load Test. After internal training, [...]


JOB OFFER: GEOTECHNICAL EXPERT JOB OFFER GEOTECHNICAL EXPERT As a geotechnical engineer, you will work on the geotechnical requests of our clients worldwide. Mainly, but not limited to, the use and reuse of foundations. The tasks involve designing, testing, and assessing new and existing foundations. Assessing the pile installation method, the application of vibratory hammers [...]


JOB OFFER: PILE TESTING EXPERT JOB OFFER PILE TESTING EXPERT As a Pile Testing Expert engineer, you will work on our clients' pile testing and geotechnical requests worldwide. You use your geotechnical knowledge and experience to support the clients with their pile installation and testing challenges. How can pile testing contribute to a better, more [...]

The Subjective Aspect of Dynamic Load Testing

Titel The Subjective Aspect of Dynamic Load Testing Author(s) Verbeek, G. Year 2018 Language English Where 10th Int Stress Wave Conference, San Diego, USA Cite as Verbeek, G., “The Subjective Aspect of Dynamic Load Testing,” Stress Wave Theory and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations: 10th International Conference, ASTM STP1611, P. Bullock, G. Verbeek, S. Paikowsky, […]

What happens in the soil during pile driving? G De Josselin de Jong

Titel What happens in the soil during pile driving? Author(s) G. De Josselin de Jong Year 2022, translation of original Dutch paper published in 1956 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Josselin de Jong, G. de. (2022, September 20). What happens in the soil during pile driving?. 11th […]

More than 80 Years of Experience with the Method of Characteristics – from Graphical Analyses to Advanced Driveability Analyses by Scripts.

Titel More than 80 Years of Experience with the Method of Characteristics – from Graphical Analyses to Advanced Driveability Analyses by Scripts. Author(s) Middendorp, P. Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Middendorp, P. (2022, September 20). More than 80 Years of Experience with the Method of […]

Validity of the Beta Method to determine pile damage

Titel Validity of the Beta Method to determine pile damage Author(s) Verbeek, Bielefeld Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Verbeek, G.E.H., & Bielefeld, M.W. (2022, September 20). Validity of the Beta Method to determine pile damage. 11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and […]

Validated Signal Matching to analyze HSDT data

Titel Validated signal matching to analyze HSDT data Author(s) Verbeek, G.E.H.; Bielefeld, M.W.; Moscoso, N. Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Verbeek, G.E.H., Bielefeld, M.W., & Moscoso, N. (2022, September 20). Validated signal matching to analyze HSDT data. 11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and […]

Understanding the Trends behind Load-Displacement Results from Rapid Load Tests

Titel Understanding the Trends behind Load-Displacement Results from Rapid Load Tests Author(s) Chew, S.H.; Bielefeld, M.; Chuah, G. Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Chew, S.H., Bielefeld, M., & Chuah, G. (2022, September 20). UNDERSTANDING THE TRENDS OF LOAD-SETTLEMENT CURVES OF RAPID LOAD TESTS. 11th International Conference on […]

The rebirth of traditional SIT interpretation methods to incorporate engineering judgement in present-day data analysis

Titel The rebirth of traditional SIT interpretation methods to incorporate engineering judgement in present day data analysis Author(s) Bielefeld, M; Delft, M. van; Bakker, J Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Bielefeld, M, Delft, M. van, & Bakker, J. (2022, September 20). The rebirth of traditional SITinterpretation methods […]

RLT on prefab concrete piles of wind turbine foundations in tidal sands in the Netherlands

Titel RLT on prefab concrete piles of wind turbine foundations in tidal sands in the Netherlands Author(s) Lankreijer, T.; Dijck, F. van; Bakker, J. Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Lankreijer, T., Dijck, F. van, & Bakker, J. (2022, September 20). RLT on prefab concrete piles of wind […]

BAM Screw Piles 2.0: Validating Design for ‘De Drie Hoefijzers’ by Rapid Load testing

Titel BAM Screw Piles 2.0: Validating Design for ‘De Drie Hoefijzers’ by Rapid Load Testing Author(s) Geest, A. van der; Helden, A. van; Bakker, J Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Geest, A. van der, Helden, A. van, & Bakker, J. (2022, September 20). BAM Screw Piles […]

Rapid Load Testing on piles instrumented with glass fiber optics in Rotterdam

Titel Rapid Load Testing on piles instrumented with glass fibre optics in Rotterdam Author(s) Dorp, R. van; Buitenhuis, R.; Kortmann, H. Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Dorp, R. van, Buitenhuis, R., & Kortmann, H. (2022, September 20). Rapid Load Testing on piles instrumented with glass fibre optics […]

Post Driveability Study for Caesar’s Rhine Bridge 55 B.C.

Titel Post Driveability Study for Caesar’s Rhine Bridge 55 B.C. Author(s) Middendorp, P; Verbeek, G; Bielefeld, M Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Middendorp, P, Verbeek, G, & Bielefeld, M. (2022, September 20). Post Driveability Study for Caesar’s Rhine Bridge 55 B.C. 11th International Conference on Stress Wave […]

Alternative facts in Pile Testing

Titel Alternative facts in pile testing Author(s) Verbeek, Bielefeld Year 2022 Language English Where 11th Int Stress Wave Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cite as Verbeek, G.E.H., & Bielefeld, M.W. (2022, September 20). Alternative facts in pile testing. 11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations (SW2022), Rotterdam, The […]

Rapid Load Testing in Germany

Titel Rapid Load Testing in Germany Author(s) Bakker, J.; van Dorp, R.; Bielefeld, M.W. Year 2022 Language English Where International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement Smart Construction for the Future Cite as ABSTRACT: Pile load testing can be performed by a static, rapid or high strain dynamic (generally designated as dynamic) testing method. […]

Re-use of old foundations in Amsterdam

Titel Re-use of old foundations in Amsterdam Author(s) Offenberg, R. ; van Delft, M.; Bielefeld, M.W. Year 2022 Language English Where International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement Smart Construction for the Future Berlin 2022 Cite as ABSTRACT: The question of the continued suitability of existing foundations arises when the function of the superstructure […]

Rapid Load Testing Prediction Models

Titel Rapid Load Testing Prediction Models Author(s) Middendorp, P.; Bielefeld, M.W. and Bakker, J. Year 2018 Language English Where 10th Int Stress Wave Conference, San Diego, USA Cite as Middendorp, P., Bielefeld, M. W., and Bakker, J., “Rapid Load Testing Prediction Models,” Stress Wave Theory and Testing Methods for Deep Foundations: 10th International Conference, ASTM […]

Axial Pile Capacity: Correlation Between Impact Driven Piles and Vibro Driven Piles

Titel Axial Pile Capacity: Correlation Between Impact Driven Piles and Vibro Driven Piles Author(s) Verbeek, G.; van Dorp, R.; Moscoso, N.; Bielefeld, M.W. Year 2022 Language English Where Offshore Technology Conference held, Houston, TX, USA, 2 – 5 May, 2022   Cite as Verbeek, G.; van Dorp, R.; Moscoso, N.; Bielefeld, M.W.. “Axial Pile Capacity: […]

Factors that affect Pile Driving with a Vibro Hammer

Titel Factors that affect Pile Driving with a Vibro Hammer Author(s) Verbeek, G.; van Dorp, R.; Moscoso, N.; Bielefeld, M.W. Year 2022 Language English Where Offshore Technology Conference held, Houston, TX, USA, 2 – 5 May, 2022   Cite as Verbeek, G.; van Dorp, R.; Moscoso, N.; Bielefeld, M.W.. “Factors that affect Pile Driving with […]

Analyzing the Dynamic Pile Load Test Measurements with an Aid of Stress Wave Theory

Titel Analyzing the Dynamic Pile Load Test Measurements with an Aid of Stress Wave Theory Author(s) Bielefeld, M.W.; Singh, K.P.; van Dorp, R. Year 2021 Language English Where DFI-India 2021: 10th Anniversary Conference on Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India Cite as ABSTRACT: Until the mid 1980s the only alternative to Static Load […]

Rapid Load Testing: The Quick Maintained Quasi-Static Load Test

Titel Rapid Load Testing: The Quick Maintained Quasi-Static Load Test Author(s) Bielefeld, M.W.; Singh, K.P.; van Dorp, R. Year 2021 Language English Where DFI-India 2021: 10th Anniversary Conference on Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India Cite as ABSTRACT: Until the mid 1980s the only alternative to Static Load Testing (SLT) of Deep Foundation […]

Decommissioning Offshore Structures by Extraction of Foundation Monopiles Applying a Vibratory Hammer

Titel Decommissioning Offshore Structures by Extraction of Foundation Monopiles Applying a Vibratory Hammer Author(s) van Dorp, R.; Middendorp, P. ; Bielefeld, M.W. ;Verbeek, G. Year 2021 Language English Where Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 16-19 August, 2021 Cite as van Dorp, R.; Middendorp, P.; Bielefeld, M.W., Verbeek, G., “Decommissioning Offshore Structures by Extraction of […]

Soil Modeling for Pile Driving Simulations Using a Vibro Hammer

Titel Soil Modeling for Pile Driving Simulations Using a Vibro Hammer Author(s) Bielefeld, M.W.; Moscoso, N.; Verbeek, G. Year 2020 Language English Where Offshore Technology Conference held, Houston, TX, USA, 4 – 7 May, 2020   Cite as Bielefeld, M.W. ; Moscoso, N.; Verbeek, G.R., “Soil Modeling for Pile Driving Simulations Using a Vibro Hammer”, […]

StatRapid used on instrumented piles for optimization of design parameters for high rise building in The Hague

Author(s): van Dorp, van Delft, IJnsen Year: 2019 Language: English Where: Pfahl-Symposium 2019, Braunschweig ABSTRACT: For a new high-rise development in the center of The Hague (NL), heavily loaded piles have to be installed through the existing basement floor of an underground car park. The project and its environmental and practical boundaries require optimizing the […]

Determination of Discontinuities in Piles by Integrity and Signal Matching Techniques

Author(s): Middendorp, P., Reiding, F.J. Year: 1988 Language: English Where: 3rd International Conference on The Application of Stress Wave Theory on Piles, Ottawa, Canada INTRODUCTION: The quality of the signals, obtained by sonic integrity testing of piles has been improved considerably with the introduction of digital signal processing. This allows the introduction of a new […]

Pile Integrity Testing in the Netherlands

Author(s): Middendorp, P., Schellingerhout, J. Year: 2006 Language: English Where: 10th International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations, DFI , Amsterdam INTRODUCTION: Pile foundations are widely applied in the Netherlands because of the soft soil conditions. One of the popular pile types are cast-in-situ piles, which have to be integrity tested to get accepted. Integrity […]

Prediction and Monitoring of Installation of Offshore Foundation Monopiles for Windfarms

Author(s): Van Dorp, Moscoso, Bielefeld, Verbeek Year: 2019 Language: English Where: Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas, USA INTRODUCTION: Upon recently, most offshore foundations were based on a number of driven piles that were installed with an impact hammer. With the increase in offshore windfarms two major developments have occurred: the shift from jackets to […]

The influence of stress wave phenomena during Statnamic Load Testing

Author(s): Middendorp, Bielefeld Year: 1995 Language: English Where: First International Statnamic Seminar, Vancouver INTRODUCTION: The Unloading Point Method (UPM) has become a standard tool for the analysis of Statnamic (STN) load testing signals. The method is based on the assumption that the pile can be modeled as a concentrated mass and springs. Modeling is only […]

Pile Foundation design philosophy and testing program for a new generation diesel fuel plant

Author(s): Romano, M.C., Middendorp, P, Doornbos, S. Year: 2010 Language: English Where: DFI Conference, Geotechnical Challenges in Urban Regeneration, London, UK INTRODUCTION: The company NESTE-OIL is building a plant for the production of a new generation NExBTL diesel fuel in the Port of Rotterdam The Netherlands. The fuel is produced from renewable vegetable oil as […]

Keynote lecture: Statnamic the engineering of art.

Author(s): Middendorp. P. Year: 2000 Language: English Where: International Conference on Application of Stress Wave Theory to Piles, Sao Paulo, Brazil CONCLUSIONS: The success of Statnamic stems for a significant part from the concepts and ideas generated by “artist-engineers” and “engineer-artists”. According to Brandl (2000): an excellent engineer requires not only a firm theoretical knowledge […]

Rapid load field tests interpreted with the new Guideline

Author(s): Hölscher, Brassinga, van Tol, Middendorp, Revoort Year: 2009 Language: English Where: 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt CONCLUSIONS: Two instrumented driven piles are tested by both SLT and RLT. The measurements lead to the following conclusions: SLTs show a bearing capacity of 1120 kN respectively 1150 kN. The RLT’s […]

Rapid Load Testing: an updated technique towards pile testing efficiency

Rapid Load Testing: una eficiente técnica para pruebas de carga en pilotes Author’s: Moscoso N.; Bielefeld M.W.; Fernández Tadeo C. Year: 2018 Language: Spanish Where: 16 CNG – 6JLEG 2018, Azores, Portugal INTRODUCTION: The article describes the rapid load test history from its invention 40 years ago until nowadays. As the method was being developed […]

A comparison between impact driven and vibratory driven steel piles in the German North Sea

A comparison between impact driven and vibratory driven steel piles in the German North Sea Author(s): Fischer, Sychla, Bakker, De Neef, Stahlmann Year: 2013 Language: English Where: COME 2013 – 1st Int. Conference on Maritime Energy, Hamburg, Germany – May 21-22, 2013 INTRODUCTION: This paper will overview impact and vibratory-driven open-ended steel piles in saturated, […]

Prediction and Monitoring of Installation of Offshore Foundation Monopiles for Windfarms

Titel Prediction and Monitoring of Installation of Offshore Foundation Monopiles for Windfarms Author(s) van Dorp, R.; Moscoso, N.; Bielefeld, M.W.;Verbeek, G.; Year 2019 Language English Where Offshore Technology Conference held, Houston, TX, USA, 6 – 9 May, 2019   Cite as van Dorp, R.; Moscoso, N.; Bielefeld, M.W.;Verbeek, G.; “Prediction and Monitoring of Installation of […]

International Prediction Event Behaviour of Cfa, Driven and Bored Piles in Residual Soil Experimental Site

Author(s): Viana da Fonseca, Santos, A. Year: 2008 Language: English Where: ISC’2,September 2008 / 240×170 / 688 pages ISBN: 978-972-752-104-3 ISBN: 978-98995625-1. INTRODUCTION: In the north-western region of Portugal, residual soils from granite are dominant. The thickness of these regional saprolitic soils may some times exhibit more than 20m, with more common values of 5 […]

The advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic Load testing and Statnamic Load Testing

Author(s): Middendorp, Ginneken, Foeken Year: 2000 Language: English Where: Sixth International Conference on the Application of Stress Wave Theory to Piles, Sao Paulo ABSTRACT: Pile capacity testing by high strain dynamic loading methods is widely applied because of its economy and efficiency compared to static load testing methods (SLT). Frequently applied dynamic loading methods are […]

Soil investigation and negative skin friction

Grondonderzoek en negatieve kleef Author(s): A.P. Offenberg Year: 1996 Language: Dutch Where: Symposium Geo- en Funderingstechniek INTRODUCTION: Negative skin friction now a well-known and established concept in soil mechanics, about which no news can be reported. The “new” geotechnical standards do not give rise to shocking changes. This contribution, therefore, has nothing new to offer […]

What happens in the soil during pile driving?

Wat gebeurt er in de grond tijdens het heien? Auteur(s): ir. G. DE JOSSELIN DE JONG Year: 1956 Language: Dutch Where: De ingenieur 68e jaargang no. 25 SUMMARY: A) A graphical method is used to determine stress and velocity in rods under dynamic loading conditions. Application to a sample of dry sand gives regions of […]

Thirty years of experience with the wave equation solution based on the method of characteristics

Author(s): Middendorp. P. Year: 2004 Language: English Where: Seventh International Conference on the Application of Stress Wave Theory to Piles, Kuala Lumpur INTRODUCTION: The method of characteristics, as an accurate solution of the wave equation, has a long history of the application. This paper will describe a brief history of the method and the author’s […]

StatRapid Load Tests in the 270th edition of inGEOpres

Auteur(s): Moscoso del Prado Mazza; Fernández Tadeo; Bielefeld Year: 2018 Language: Español Where: inGEOpres – oct 2018 nr 270 INTRODUCTION: Pile loading tests are carried out to verify that the piles have the capacity required to support the structure to be built. Applying a load on a pile instrumented with sensors, these tests are able […]

Re-evaluation of the method to determine pile damage using the Beta Method

Auteur(s): G. Verbeek; G. Goble Year: 2012 Language: English Where: Proceedings of the IS-Kanazawa, Japan INTRODUCTION: In 1979, a paper was published by Rausche and Goble describing a method to determine damage in driven piles using the Beta Method. Over the years this method has become the standard for pile damage assessment in many parts […]

Pile foundation testing of a hurricane resistant jetty

Auteur(s): Middendorp, P., Plooy, P.J., Kruit,D.B Year: 2008 Language: English Where: 8th Int. Conf. Application of stress-wave theory to piles, Lisbon INTRODUCTION: To prevent pile driving problems during the construction of a jetty at Grenada a proof testing approach was applied whereby test pile driving was performed at several places where the jetty was to […]

At the cutting edge of pile driving and pile testing

Autor(s): Middendorp, P., Verbeek, G. Year: 2012 Language: English Where: 9th International Conference on Testing and Design Methods for Deep Foundations; Kanasawa, Japan INTRODUCTION: The worldwide challenges to achieve a greener planet, better communications, cost-effective and fast means of transportation, and the protection against natural hazards (such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and hurricanes) continually force […]

Modeling and Observations of Pile Installation using Vibro Hammers in Fraser River Delta soils

Autor(s): David Tara, Peter Middendorp, Gerald Verbeek Year: 2014 Language: English Where: Modeling and Observations of Pile Installation using Vibro Hammers in Fraser River Delta soils INTRODUCTION: There has been significant recent interest in the use of vibratory drivers/vibro hammers to install piles in offshore and nearshore applications around the globe. Recent experience using vibratory […]

Pile Driving Analysis & Vibro Hammers A Viable Combination

Autor(s): Verbeek G.;Middendorp P.; van Dorp R.; Tara D. Year: 2013 Language: English Where: Presentation SuperPile 2013, Minneapolis, MN INTRODUCTION: Presentation held at the SuperPile 2013 conference in Minneapolis, MN. DOWNLOAD: You can download the entire article here, after entering your name and e-mail address. .

Installation of Monopiles by Vibrohammers for the Riffgat Project

Autor(s): L. de Neef, P. Middendorp, J. Bakker Year: 2013 Language: English Where: Pfahlsymposium, Braunschweig INTRODUCTION: The successful installation of 22m diameter steel tubular piles/caissons by vibratory hammers in China in 2011 resulted in a strong interest in the application of vibratory hammers to install steel tubular monopiles for wind turbines, especially offshore. The first […]

Skin friction models for sand from static and dynamic laboratory load tests

Auteur(s): Middendorp,P., van Brederode, P.J. Year: 1984 Language: English Where: 2nd International Conference on Stress Waves, The Hague, Netherlands Proceedings INTRODUCTION: The behavior of a foundation pile during impact loading can be measured or it may be simulated by computerized calculation. Although today measuring techniques and computer algorithms have reached high levels of accuracy, the […]

A digital approach to sonic pile testing

Auteur(s): Reiding, F.J., Middendorp, P., P.J. van Brederode Year: 1984 Language: English Where: 2nd International Conference on Stress Waves, The Hague, Netherlands Proceedings INTRODUCTION: Paper regarding digitizing of SIT measurements. DOWNLOAD: You can download the entire article here, after entering your name and e-mail address .

Hydroblok and Improved Pile Driving Analysis

Auteur(s): Voitus van Hamme, G.E.J.S.L. Jansz, J.W. Bomer H.,and Arentsen, D. Year: 1974 Language: English Where: De Ingenieur Vol. 86, no. 8 INTRODUCTION: In a previous article, a description of a number of features of the Hydroblock has been given, in particular, the properties of the Hydroblock have been compared with those of other types […]

Rapid Pile Load Testing in Barcelona

Pruebas de carga rápida de pilotes en Barcelona Auteur(s): Moscoso del Prado Mazza; Fernández Tadeo; Bielefeld; Year: 2018 Language: Español Where: Obras Urbanas sept – oct 2018 nr 71 INTRODUCTION: The first Rapid Load Tests in Spain were conducted in 2017 in the port of Barcelona. This modern method, standardized worldwide, is a step forward […]

Recent advances of rapid load testing in Asia and Europe

Autor(s): Chew, S.H.; Middendorp, P.; Bakker J.; Chua G. Year: 2015 Language: English Where: Proceedings XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland INTRODUCTION: Rapid Load Testing (RLT), by which a quasi-static load is applied to a foundation pile, is used increasingly as an alternative to static load testing (SLT) and high […]

On the operation of a diesel hammer

Autor(s): Voitus van Hamme Year: 1981 Language: Dutch Where: Technical University Delft, The Netherlands INTRODUCTION: This Dutch thesis with an English summary describes the operation of the diesel hammer and the theory of pile driving. Field measurements are also shown and analyzed. The process of the diesel block is divided into 8 phases: 1. fall […]

From very small to gigantic piles

Autor(s): Middendorp P.; van Dorp R.F. Year: 2012 Language: Dutch Where: Geotechniek Funderingsdag 2012 special INTRODUCTION: The theme Foundations in Motion has been the practice for Allnamics in the short period of its existence since 2010, both literally and figuratively, for several national and international projects in the field of Mini- to Giga-piles. It is […]

Renovation of pile foundations for homes in Zaanstad

Om en om renovatie van paalwoningen voor woningen in Zaanstad Autor(s): Ad Offenberg Year: 1981 Language: Dutch Where: Polytechnisch tijdschrift, editie bouwkunde, wegen en waterbouw INTRODUCTION: In this (dutch) article a description is given of the way how a wooden pile foundation was completed with concrete piles at a renovation in Zaandam the Netherlands. Because […]

Frequency-Penetration Response Spectrum on Vibratory Amplitude Matching of Monopiles

Titel Frequency-Penetration Response Spectrum on Vibratory Amplitude Matching of Monopiles Author(s) N. Moscoso del Prado Mazza & A.E. Holeyman Year 2018 Language English Where 10th Int Stress Wave Conference, San Diego, USA Cite as Mazza, N. M. D. P. and Holeyman, A. E., “Frequency-Penetration Response Spectrum on Vibratory Amplitude Matching of Monopiles,” Stress Wave Theory […]


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