Professionals with decades of worldwide experience
Who are we?
Allnamics is a global company with experts in the field of geology, soil mechanics, geoscience and foundation engineering. These experts apply local geotechnical knowledge and experience to perform foundation engineering, soil mechanics and pile testing.
Allnamics can act as consultant or perform pile testing and geotechnical monitoring as service, both onshore and offshore. Allnamics develops and sells advanced methods for drivability studies, pile monitoring during installation, pile testing and assessment of existing foundation structures.
Whether as a supplier of hardware and software for foundation testing and pile driving simulation or as a reliable advisor in these areas, Allnamics’ activities are founded on 50 years of experience with foundation piles, impact driven as well as vibro driven, onshore as well as offshore.
During those years our staff was intimately involved in the development of multiple testing methods, such as low strain dynamic testing, high strain dynamic testing, and Rapid Load Testing.
With these capabilities, Allnamics is ready to support the installation of deep foundations around the world.

The history of Allnamics goes back to the 1970s when oil was discovered in the North Sea. When massive structures were built and placed on the sea bed, the need arose to check the foundations. At this time, Peter Middendorp and Marcel Bielefeld, both working for the Dutch TNO Building and Construction Research Institute, laid the foundation of nowadays Allnamics.
Allnamics was founded in 2011 by five experienced engineers in pile testing, foundation engineering, geotechnical monitoring, and soil mechanics. This team continues to increase in size as Allnamics expands its operations.
The in-house developed products like the StatRapid, Reyca, PDR, and other advanced monitoring equipment are sold and delivered worldwide. With extensive experience and knowledge of all types of pile testing techniques, the ever expanding team of highly educated, yet practical experts of Allnamics is ready to support and assist all its clients around the world.
Allnamics works from various offices worldwide: in The Netherlands (both in The Hague and Amsterdam), Singapore, the USA, Spain, and the Caribbean. In addition, Allnamics is cooperating with agents and representatives in many other countries in geology, geotechnics, soil mechanics, foundation engineering, and pile testing.
The foundation and pile testing partner of choice
At Allnamics, experienced experts are working. Experts in the field of geology, geotechnics and foundation engineering. If you need some advice, please do contact one of our experts.
Kim Dekker BSC
Kim is one of the experts in assessing existing foundations for re-use or extended use. As one of the pile testing experts, Kim has been involved in many pile test campaigns in Europe and Africa, offshore and onshore. -
Maarten Raupp MSC MSRE
Maarten is one of the senior foundation engineers with experience in both geotechnical engineering and pile testing. With his international background, he works on foundations in and outside The Netherlands. -
Rutger Buitenhuis MSc
Rutger is one of the junior pile testing and geotechnical engineers and already an expert in driveability studies for impact and vibratory driving in both onshore and offshore projects. -
Peter Middendorp MSc
Peter Middendorp is one of the founding fathers of Allnamics. As a foundation engineer he successfully developed PDA and DLT in Europe, developed Rapid Load Tests like StatNamic and StatRapid and is an ambassador for the application of the stress wave theory to piles. You can contact Peter at
Remco Offenberg
Specialist for the investigation and judgement of existing foundations, including old foundations, like the ones in Amsterdam.
As a foundation specialist involved in re-use and durability studies of many foundations, both from a technical and economic point of view. -
Joost Bakker MSc
Joost Bakker is the primary contact within Allnamics for the many offshore and nearshore-related projects. With an impressive track record for offshore pile testing, both during installation and after completing the structure.
For all your offshore or water-related projects, contact Joost at -
Marcel Bielefeld MSc MScBA
Many years of experience in geotechnical and foundation engineering, as a specialist in concrete piles, and in running a business makes Marcel Bielefeld your contact for international business.
Contact Marcel at -
Martijn van Delft MSc
Martijn van Delft has experience in many aspects of geotechnical engineering and monitoring. At Allnamics, Martijn is primarily the contact person for all geotechnical measurements. From settlement measurements to pile measurements, from static to dynamic measurements, and for vibration measurements, as well as vibration predictions.
Contact Martijn at -
Kevin van Velzen BSc
Kevin is a specialist in inspecting and determining the quality of existing, old and new foundations for maintenance plans and extended use or re-use. He learned the basics of this specialism in Amsterdam, and expanded this knowledge over other countries.
Kevin is also a specialist in the prediction and monitoring of vibrations of ground and structures due to pile driving, traffic, etc.
Contact Kevin at -
Rob van Dorp MSc
Being an expert in the field of behaviour of foundation piles during driving and pile testing, Rob van Dorp has gathered a huge amount of experience. As one of Allnamics geotechnical experts, Rob is primary in charge of the design of (deep) foundations, pile foundations, cofferdams, etc. Also the testing of these foundations, either by static, dynamic or StatRapid Tests.
Want to know more? Contact Rob at
Work at Allnamics
Do you like the scope of work of Allnamics as well? And want to be part of our team? Contact us, and we can see if you also fit into our team. Contact Marcel Bielefeld at
Career opportunities
Allnamics is always looking for new talents. So, if you like our work and see yourself adding your skills to our (international) team, don’t hesitate to contact us. Contact Marcel Bielefeld at
Trainees and internship
For well-educated and highly motivated students, Allnamics has some projects waiting, including bachelor and master thesis.
Contact Marcel Bielefeld,
Allnamics Corporate Video
Our values
Allnamics works with the highest standards of quality. We believe in trustworthy relationships, and we work hard to maintain them. The company approach is to provide a high-quality service compliant with safety regulations, ISO and European standards, data protection, and green policies.
Safety regulations
All Allnamics employees possess all the related safety certificates for working onshore and offshore. Allnamics employees follow a proactive plan to continuously improve the overall safety of individuals and teams. We take action when needed, report any unsafe operation, investigate and improve our current procedures and promote safety. Want to know more? Contact Joost Bakker at
ISO Certificates
To ensure the best quality for our clients, Allnamics works at high quality and performance standards. Independent auditors have proven that level. As a result, we present the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.
Green Policies and Sustainability
Allnamics, although a relatively medium-small company, is nonetheless engaged in sustainable development. Through pile testing, we can optimize pile dimensions, efficiently utilize material resources, and ensure enough safety without over-designing. To integrate these changes into different construction strategies, we actively promote and provide an understanding of the importance of optimization. See our initiative for the annual Conference on Foundation Decarbonization and Re-use. Want to know more? Contact Marcel Bielefeld at
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Allnamics ensures that your personal data is managed safely. That is why cookies make limited use on this website. Please let us know if you want to delete your name and E-mail address from our database. Otherwise, your data will automatically be deleted ten years after the last contact. Please read our cookie policy and our privacy statement here.