PDA pile testing with 8, 12, or more channels

PDA-test with 8, 12, or more channels

If 4 channel monitoring is insufficient, and more than 4 channels are required, two or more PDRs can work together. In a setting of Leader and Followers, multiple PDRs can act as one monitoring unit. Including the internal data storage for redundancy.

Pile testing with multiple PDRs

The Allnamics PDR system is a state-of-the-art multi-purpose monitoring system, specially designed for 4-channel monitoring without cable connections.

In case more than 4 channels are required, i.e., for extra strain gauges at monitoring levels for big diameter piles, or for monitoring at several depths in a pile, two or more PDRs can be coupled to act as one monitoring device.

Several setups are possible:

  • A separate monitoring PC for every PDR
  • One monitoring PC for two PDRs using two WiFi antennas
  • One monitoring PC for all PDRs using ethernet cable and ethernet switch

WiFi is default data communication between the PDR and the monitoring computer or laptop. By using standard WiFi, every laptop can be connected to the PDR for sound and reliable data communication. Using one or more external antennas, make the data connection even at large distances between pile and monitoring computer possible and robust.

When WiFi connection is not preferred, the data connection can be made by a (default) ethernet data cable.

Recorder Mode

The PDR can also monitor autonomously: without any connection between the monitoring computer, the PDR will monitor and store all monitored signals and data on the internal memory. The content can be read later by Allnamics PDADLT software, using the ethernet cable or WiFi connection. See Recorder Mode.

StatRapid is one of the methods of Rapid Load Testing

PDR WiFi data transmission for wireless PDA
PDR data transmission modes
Allnamics Pile Driving Analysis on offshore wind farm WesterMeerWind using WiFi data transmission
Allnamics Pile Driving Analysis on offshore wind farm WesterMeerWind using WiFi data transmission
Allnamics PDA with 3 coupled PDR's for 12 channel PDA monitoring on monopiles for Offshore Wind Farm at Urk
Allnamics PDA with 3 coupled PDR's for 12 channel PDA monitoring on monopiles for Offshore Wind Farm at Urk


  • Multiple PDRs acting as one multichannel recorder
  • Each unit can be used individually for maximum flexibility
  • Every channel free for strain, acceleration, or other type of sensor
  • One PDR is the leader, other PDR are the followers
  • Easy to operate
  • Redundancy for ‘normal’ monitoring: all signals stored as a backup on internal storage
  • Designed by Allnamics engineers with over 50 years of PDA/DLT experience
Leader-Follower setup with two coupled PDR's and two monitoring PC act as one PDA set for synchronized PDA monitoring of 8 channels
Leader-Follower setup with two coupled PDR's and two monitoring PC act as one PDA set for synchronized PDA monitoring of 8 channels

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