Acceleration Sensors

The high quality acceleration sensors range from low to high levels of accelerations. Depending on its application, one of the high end accelerometers is suitable to perform the test. 50g – [...]

Wi-Fi External Power Antenna

For an extended range and an ultimate reliable Wi-Fi connection between PDR and monitoring PC or Laptop, Allnamics delivers a powerful external Wi-Fi antenna for your PC.

Combined Strain and Acceleration Sensor

For High Strain Pile testing, like PDA/PDM or DLT, strains and accelerations are measured. Therefore Allnamics has developed the combined strain/accelerometer to mount easily on concrete or steel [...]

Pile Integrity Testing PIT/SIT

For low strain testing of concrete piles, to determine the integrity of piles, Allnamics engineers have developed their first SIT equipment back in the 1960s. Based on the gained experience, both [...]

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