SPT Energy Monitor
SPT Energy Monitor
The easy to use wireless monitoring system for energy measurements during SPT tests. To obtain standardized N60 values in compliance with ASTM D4633, ASTM D1586 and EuroCode ISO 22476-3.
Key Characteristics
- Option to transmit data wirelessly by Wi-Fi or by cable, or to use it as a standalone recording device
- High resolution, easy to operate
- Supported by the Allnamics Team with more than 50 years of experience
- Optimized for use by civil, geotechnical and foundations engineers
- Extensive reporting options (in either PDF and MS Word format)
- Intelligent sensors & real time sensor control
- Fully compliant with ASTM D4633, ASTM D1586 and EuroCode ISO 22476-3
StatRapid is one of the methods of Rapid Load Testing

Allnamics SPT Energy Monitor
The Allnamics SPT Energy Monitor measures the energy transferred trough an instrumented SPT Rod. With these measured values for enthru energy instead of theoretical potential energy, the measured N-values can be adjusted to a normalized values for N60, the N-value at an energy level of 60% of its theoretically potential value. By normalizing the N-values, the enormous spread in SPT results, because of the variation in SPT equipment can be limited. Leading to a more reliable, accurate and reproducible SPT test result, improving the reliability of the estimated parameters for geotechnical designs.
To control the energy transfer during a Standard Penetration Test, Allnamics has developed the SPT Energy Monitor. The equipment is based on the state-of-the-art multi-purpose monitoring system, the wireless PDR combined with an instrumented SPT driving rod. Designed by a multi-disciplinary design team, the PDR-system for SPT meets the pile testing requirements on the construction site in every respect.

Instrumented SPT-ROD
Each measuring system includes a rugged instrumented SPT rod, type AWJ, NWJ or others) with a length of 0.60 m. (default diameter 44.5 mm) instrumented with:
- Two sensors for measuring strain and
- Two high quality piezoresistive accelerometers (10.000g, 5 kHz)
Next to the monitoring of energy, other parameters can be measured as well. As the SPT measurements are similar to those obtained with standard Pile Driving Analysis, results are including:
- Transferred energy
- Driving resistance
- N-value
- N60-value
- Static and Dynamics soil response
Reporting tool
The software includes a powerful report generator. The measured signals and results can be included in an automatically generated report. This report can be either in PDF format, or in MS Word format for further reporting. The user can select the results to be included in this report. Additional text and company logo can be added to personalize the reports.
The tests of Allnamics SPT Energy Monitor are fully compliant with ASTM D4633, ASTM D1586 and EuroCode ISO 22476-3, as well as other national codes.
The monitoring process has been optimized for engineers with no or limited knowledge of electronics. All dimensions are in engineering units (instead of volts or amperes). A simple input program helps the engineer to choose the right input values for optimal monitoring results:
- High productivity, no loss of productivity SPT testing
- Easy to understand menu driven software
- In metric SI-units of English units
- Signals and calculations results are stored automatically
- No cables between the PDR and the monitoring field computer
- Supported by the Allnamics Team
- Reporting tool for customized reports
- Expert Training in the use and application of the SPT Energy Monitor
- Easily extended with other options, i.e. PDA, Dynamic Load Testing, etc.