AllWave-SIT Software
AllWave-SIT Software for quantitative interpretation of PIT/SIT signals
AllWave-SIT is a powerful tool for profiling the pile shaft based on signals from Sonic Integrity Testing (SIT/PIT).
In accordance to ASTM, CUR etc for low strain impact testing
Key Characteristics
- Calculation of pile shape from Allnamics-SIT signals
- For cast in situ concrete foundation piles: deep foundations, bored, CFA, etc.
- Method of Characteristics for accurate simulations
- Modelling of soil and pile
- Easy to operate, AutoMatch supported
- Generate pile shape as function of depth
StatRapid is one of the methods of Rapid Load Testing

AllWave-SIT is one of the modules of the AllWave Stress Wave Simulation Software Package. AllWave includes programs for the quantitative interpretation of SIT signals.
AllWave is a Wave Equation Program based on the method of characteristics for one-dimensional stress waves and offers the possibility to simulate stress wave propagation in piles, including soil behaviour.
The SIT Signal Matching process is supported by several utilities, including AutoMatching support.
When to use?
The determination of the pile shape of a deep foundation element is important when:
- Standard (qualitative) interpretation shows anomalies which dimensions have to be quantified
- Anomalies in the upper part of the pile limits the interpretation of anomalies at a lower level
- Determination of the pile shape as base for Signal Matching for Dynamic Load Testing or PDA. For interpretation of these high strain test results the shape of the pile influence the test results heavily. Therefore, for Dynamic Load Testing on cast in situ piles, AllWave-SIT is recommended prior to the Signal Matching on the high strain signals
AllWave Software Packages
The AllWave software programs are all based on the one-dimensional stress wave propagation. Available are
Allwave-SIT software for quantitative interpretation
The standard interpretation of integrity test results is a qualitative method: individual signals are compared to the Site Characteristic Signal.
In this way anomalies, and especially defects can be detected.
However, with AllWave-SIT software the SIT-signals are quantitatively interpretated to pile dimensions. In the 3D-graph of the pile, the anomalies can be visualized.
Results AllWave-SIT
Typical results of an AllWave-SIT analysis are (among others):
- Pile diameter as function of the depth, assuming that the change in impedances are caused by changes in cross sectional area
- Pile material quality as function of depth, when the cross sectional are is assumed to be constant, all impedance changes are caused by changes in material properties, the product of Youngs modulus and density.
- Total concrete volume, both theoretical (assuming a sound shaft) and as presented, including variations in cross sectional area
- Visualisation of pile shape
Reporting options
The software includes a powerful report generator:
- Results in text and graphs
- Selection of graphics, cut and paste to MSOffice documents
- 3D profiling
- Export to Excel or CAD
3D Profiling
Results of pile dimensions (assuming a constant Youngs Modulus E and a constant density ρ ) can be visualised with the 3D Presentation modulue of AllWave-SIT. Several options like colour and texture of surface (i.e. red for neckings and green for bulges), with or without soil layers or soil investigation results, direction visualization, etc.

- Calculation of pile shape from SIT signals
- Easy to operate, AutoMatch supported
- Generate pile shape as function of depth
- 3D presentation of results
Allnamics ON YOUTUBE
- Pile Load Testing at Hamburg, Germany
- Rapid Load Testing for wind farms
- StatRapid tests
- Rapid Load Testing, DownTown at The Hague, The Netherlands
- StatRapid tests
- Offshore Dynamic Load Test
- Pile Driving Analysis Prefabricated Concrete Pile Junttan Hammer with Allnamics PDR
- Allnamics PDA Pile Driving Analysis for Offshore Monopile
- PDA and DLT tests in Egypt
- Dynamic Load Testing in Switserland
- Dynamic Load Testing and Pile Driving Analysis in Dover UK with slow motion of a hammer blow