Allnamics Visual VibRange

Visual monitoring of the axial displacement range

Allnamics Visual VibRange

Visual monitoring of the axial displacement range

During the installation of foundation piles with a vibratory hammer, the performance and effectiveness of the installation hammer are monitored by measuring the vibrations in the foundation pile. Performing VDA, Vibratory Driving Analysis developed by Allnamics gives information about hammer, pile, and soil behavior during installation.

Even when VDA is unavailable, monitoring the pile’s vibrations can help control the installation process. Like the blow count is for impact driven piles. In that case, the Allnamics Visual VibRange can be of use.

Glue the VibRange sticker on several levels on the pile. And observe those stickers to measure the amplitude of the displacements (K. Viking, 2006). Due to the vibrations in the pile, the VibRange will go up and down. The amplitude of the VibRange is equal to that of the pile.

That displacement range (peak-peak amplitude) is read from the VibRange. The amplitude can be read from the diagram where the sloping line crosses the horizontal one. Easy monitoring, with an indication of the amplitude of displacements. For accurate readings, one needs complete VDA monitoring.

Wireless monitoring avoids cable handling during onshore and offshore Dynamic Load Testing

VDA Monitoring Offshore MonoPiles (OWF)
VDA Monitoring Offshore MonoPiles (OWF)

Allnamics' PDR is the wireless data acquisition unit for Static, Rapid and Dynamic Load Testing

ALLNAMICS VISUAL VIBRANGE - Visual monitoring of the axial displacement amplitude

Allnamics' PDR is the wireless data acquisition unit for Static, Rapid and Dynamic Load Testing

ALLNAMICS VISUAL VIBRANGE - Visual monitoring of the axial displacement amplitude
ALLNAMICS VISUAL VIBRANGE - Visual monitoring of the axial displacement amplitude

Allnamics VDA - Vibratory Driving Analysis on 4 m Monopile


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