Foundations and environmental impact
The built environment has a major impact on the environment. This starts during construction, for which building materials must be extracted and transported. And the impact of emissions from the construction equipment during construction. That impact is referred to as Scope 1 and 2, the emissions from the activities during construction. Scope 3 concerns the impact of the use of building materials.
The foundation accounts for an important part of the total environmental impact of the construction phase. Reason enough to minimize the total emissions and use of primary raw materials. Allnamics is actively realizing foundation designs with less emissions (decarbonization). By testing, participating in standards committees, and initiating conferences on this subject, such as the Conference on Foundations Reuse and Decarbonisation. Foundations can (should?) have less environmental impact (decarbonization). And reuse of existing foundations is an important, preferable option when the superstructure is replaced or renovated.
As Allnamics’ Gerald Verbeek, chair of DFI’s Sustainability Committee and chair of the Conference on Foundations Reuse and Decarbonisation, puts it:
‘Sustainability simply makes sense for the deep foundation’s industry.’
Read the full article in the special edition on Sustainability of DFI’s Magazine <here>.
Or ask the experts at Allnamics about our contribution to sustainability.